Thursday, July 28, 2005

housing search cancelled

breaking news: the search for a new director of housing has been cancelled. instead, there will be promotion from within.

why was a search announced and then cancelled? i don't now, but personnel is not mike gargano's forte. in fact, of all of his shortcomings, dealing with people and personnel might be his worst. maybe he already knows in advance that any external person who is offered the position will decline it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

the KKK of umass

it's all but official - umass is run by the KKK. i'm not referring to the fact some of our top administrators have worked hand-in-burning-cross with the students of the KKK 9 to dismantle student government. i'm talking about the klowns, kretins and krackers who"manage"
the administrative section of the university, and who now, in a fascist-style reign of terror, are seizing control of those parts of the university that function independently of the administration - all in violation of trustee policy, state law and contractual obligations. oh, for the money to launch a dozen lawsuits!

today, we examine these KKK leaders in their own words. we all know chancellor lombardi got fired from his florida job for his racist remark, calling chancellor adam herbert an "oreo". and we all know vice chancellor mike 'dunk' gargano's famous lines, "if you can't afford umass, go to community college" and "umass needs less old navy and more abercrombie and fitch". here i've collected some lesser-known quotes.

here's lombardi explaining what he meant by "oreo":

"(An oreo is a person) who's black and can operate in a white world"

and here he is on the issue of diversity at umass:

"If I wanted black students, I would buy them like I buy basketball players"

see what i mean by the KKK? gargano, it should be noted, went and parroted this at a different meeting shortly afterward. sometimes incredible stupidity can be as hard to understand as great profundity.

here's lombardi again:

"(Public record laws are) a crutch for news people who are lazy"

this helps explain why umass is run with the same respect for public records laws as the actual KKK.

the next and final quote helps explain why "yo mama" jokes are being replaced by "yo vice chancellor for student affairs and campus life" jokes around here.

"UMass is not a state university. It is a federal university" - mike gargano