Saturday, March 12, 2005

code of administrator conduct

below is a draft version of the proposed code of administrator conduct, to be brought to the student senates shortly.


University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Code of Administrator Conduct

1. Administrators must always treat students in a respectful and professional manner. If the university is to graduate students who are mature, thoughtful, engaged, and proud of the university, administrators must treat students appropriately.

2. Administrators must always tell the truth.

3. In all actions, administrators must respect federal, state, regional and municipal laws and policies, as well as the policies of the university's Board of Trustees.

4. Administrators must act in the interests of the university community, the state, and the public at large. The temptation to chase after money from corporations, the military, and intelligence and security agencies should not override the university's responsibility to the public.

5. Administrators must not use their office to promote their personal interests and agendas.

6. The Amherst campus is part of the Amherst community. Administrators must be mindful that the university's decisions have an impact on the town of Amherst and other surrounding communities. Administrators must be open to input from these communities, and should strive to serve their needs.

7. When making decisions that affect particular segments of the university, administrators must do so in consultation with those communities.

8. The university is a diverse center of learning. Administrators must respect and protect the ideals of diversity and academic freedom, as well as the political and civil rights of students.

9. Except in situations where it is illegal to do so, administrators must share information pertaining to the administration of the university with anyone who requests it.

10. Administrators must support, in word and deed, the public, land-grant mission of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, to provide a high-quality, accessible and affordable university education to all who wish to obtain one, and to serve the community and Commonwealth.