Sunday, August 14, 2005

going to board of trustees meeting

i'll be going to the board of trustees meetings in boston on august 23 and 24 to try to persuade them to enforce their own policies and put the kibosh on the most offensive part of lombardi's anti-diversity plan, which also happens to be the most transparent violation of trustee policy - the seizure of the offices of ALANA affairs and commuter services. i'll be addressing the trustees, as will SGA president pavel payano and GEO political organizer (and former president) jen turner.

if you are in boston or can make it there, please try to come. it's important for the trustees to see members of the umass community actively defending these agencies. it looks very much like gargano's next step is to try to seize control of the student activities trust fund, where funds generated by the student activity fee are placed. if successful, this would amount to the complete destruction of an independent SGA. if you think umass is a shitty place now, wait until student government is gone and all programming is controlled by the nimrod and his lackeys. it's important to put up as fierce a fight as possible right now.

the message below gives the details of the trustee meetings. please spread it around.


Hello All,

We have a summer request for help: We need you to go to the UMass Board of Trustees meeting in Boston on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 23 and 24th to save the Office of ALANA Affairs and Commuter Services!

Last spring we shut down UMass in order to secure a contract for GEO and to protest Chancellor Lombardi's proposed reorganization of student organizations, support services and advocacy changes. While the A21 boycott secured a contract for GEO (yeah!) Lombardi and Gargano have been sneakily implementing their proposed reorganization while most of the campus has been on summer break. Most notably, the Office of ALANA Affairs and Commuter Services - both student-run agencies that have been essential to UMass's history of activism and student advocacy - are being usurped by the brand new "Center for Student Development" (CSD).

BUT - we have one last opportunity to keep these agencies in students' hands: Valerie Louis, our new student trustee, is putting a motion onto the agenda for the big, upcoming Board of Trustees' meeting. This motion calls for these agencies to remain in students' hands, and to reaffirm the 30 year tradition of student run advocacy agencies.

This is our last significant and strategic opportunity to keep the OAA and Commuter Service out of Mike Gargano's hands.

SAVE THE DATE - ask for time off work NOW, and please help us pass out information outside the trustee meetings. Note that WE WILL NOT GO TO THESE MEETINGS IF WE CANNOT GATHER at least 15 PEOPLE TO STAND OUTSIDE the meetings to PASS OUT infromation about the effects of Lombardi's actions for students at UMass.

Save the date!
"Student affairs meeting" - Tuesday, 8/23 at 11:30am @ UMass Boston (if you can only go to one, go to this one)
"Meeting of the whole" - Wednesday, 8/24 at 9:15am @ UMass-Boston

Email or Mishy at if you can make it to one or both of these meetings. You can also call me for more info, 413.695.4868 - Mishy

***Please forward this to friends and sympathetic list-serves***