Friday, April 08, 2005

review of gargano, m., "a study to determine whether or not the principles of sportsmanship and ethical conduct can coexist with the competing...

as some of y'all know, our charmingly incompetent vice chancellor of student affairs, mike gargano, wrote his ed.d. dissertation at george washington university. i downloaded his dissertation from proquest digital dissertations, and it's the best 30 bucks i've ever spent. if you like non-sequiturs, bad writing, and errors of punctuation and grammar, you'll love gargano's dissertation. to see what i mean, check out the free 24-page preview of his dissertation here.

for example: read the title - this should take about half a minute. then go to page 18 of the pdf file (the dissertation's page 16) and read the last sentence of the first paragraph, and then the first sentence of the second paragraph. then on page 22 (the dissertation's page 20), look at the last sentence above the heading "methodology". it's like he learned a sentence and just keeps repeating it over and over.

hannah arendt, in her book eichmann in jerusalem: a report on the banality of evil, mentions that adolf eichmann, who was extraordinarily inarticulate, had a collection of stock phrases which he found "elating" and would repeat again and again because of the impact they had on him. maybe this is what's at work here. or maybe he's just plagiarizing himself - i hear this can happen in very dumb people.